Why is Now the Best Time to Consider a Smart Home Automation Installation?

Inside of a brown room
Why is Now the Best Time to Consider a Smart Home Automation Installation?

July 13, 2021

The world has changed a lot in the last year, with imposed social distancing norms, and a minimal contact shift caused by the COVID-19 virus. We should accept that the world has undergone unpredictable changes, many of which have even increased the cases of break-ins and crimes in the areas where daily wage workers have been hard-hit. The disruption caused by the pandemic has prompted people to be more precautious about everything to minimize the spread. But, these very challenging times have made people inclined towards home automation options.  Wondering Why? Continue reading!  

A Home Automation Installation during COVID has multiple high value health & safety benefits.

Go Contactless with Smart Lighting Automation  

COVID has forced us to take extra precautions, such as avoiding touching common switchboards for turning on and off lights, fans, and several types of equipment at the workplace and home. This has driven the owner’s interest in automating routine tasks. Smart lighting automation not just enables contactless living but also ensures a cut on your electricity expenditure.  Smart lighting automation enables you to make lighting schedules and implement them to ensure your light and other lighting equipment are not running unnecessarily. Smart lighting automation won’t just make your life more comfortable and easier, but also save you from encountering surfaces previously touched by an infected individual at work or home.  

Home Automation Installation Powered Smart Door Locks

Why even touch your door to open it when you have a visitor, or you are moving out? With home automation installation you can seamlessly authorize visitors to enter or leave your home or workplace through smart door locks while ensuring you don’t have to encounter any infection-prone surface. On top of that, a video door phone not just enables social distancing but also offers added security value.

Run your TV and AC Smartly

No more touching the remote for changing a channel on television or adjusting the temperature on the air conditioner. With home automation installation capabilities, you can use a mobile app to control multiple appliances at home, while ensuring that you don’t touch a remote touched by multiple different people.  


So, don’t you agree that home automation installation and smart lighting automation are no longer a thing of luxury or merely add-ons, but must-haves to ensure you are safe. In today’s world where the pandemic continues to badly impact many lives, you must ensure you are double-checking the safety and health of your loved ones.  There can’t be a better time for you to consider home automation installation. You can easily find many companies offering smart lighting automation services and end-to-end home automation installation assistance. But, you must ensure you choose a reliable home automation installation services provider like ETC. The team at ETC ensures their client’s satisfaction, without spending any extra out of budget.  What are you waiting for? The world is going smart faster than ever since health safety is at risk. Adopt smart technology offerings for comfortable and healthy living now.

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